Friday, March 25, 2011

Say hello to my little tax return :)

This morning, as I was sitting with Mike at 5 am to share some coffee before he left for work, we remembered today was the day we've been anxiously waiting for- our tax return was scheduled to be deposited! So with my eyes still half closed and my hair all a-wack, I raced to check our bank account. I'd now like to take the time to thank 2010 for being one of the worst financial years of our life because it turns out that Uncle Sam will be buying this family a car!!
We've been a one car wonder family for quite some time now and the idea that within a few days we'll have another excites me to no end. I'm almost sad that I won't know what to do with my time..... almost.  No more getting up and getting Elijah in the car to drop Mike off at work, no more leaving in the middle of making dinner to pick Mike up from work, no more Mike needing the car while at work and not having it, no more - well I think you get the idea.  No more stress about transportation for either one of us! It seems too good to be true for a family that has one "series of unfortunate events" after another.  By no means is it going to be new- or even nice, but it's going to be MINE.  And, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I want a van.  Yup, sign me up for the soccer mom carpool, with baby number two on the way and family coming to visit, plus actually carpooling with friends; who can turn down all the room that comes with a Swagger Wagon?? I was one that swore I'd NEVER, (no matter how big our litter of children became) I repeat- NEVER get a van. Now that I'm so old and so very wise (please keep your comments to yourself) I can't wait for that side door to slide open, inviting me into it's roomy heaven.  So, bring on the 1990's generation of mini vans- cuz momma's ready to buy!!!

*I couldn't pass up this video.... it never gets old to me.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Getting Started

I've never been much of a blogger but in a new effort to get a little 'me' time in when life gets crazy- or just makes me crazy- I've decided to try out sharing the random jumble in my brain and see if clears and refreshes my head like writing in a dairy as a child (which I also never did).
There seems to never be a dull moment in the Deatrick house so I shouldn't have a shortage of material!

Here's to my sanity and your entertainment!!