Monday, April 18, 2011

R & R is good for the soul... and my sanity.

Oh where to even begin with this last week!
Elijah is learning about the effects of water on electronics.... so far he has dumped a water bottle over the keyboard of my laptop and took my cell phone swimming in his kiddie pool, also, slightly less stressful for me- he dunked his new Thomas the Train talking/chugging (expensive for a small freaking train) toy into my glass of water. I sure hope he's learning something from all this because my lesson in patience is starting to take a wrong turn!  The laptop survived after being torn apart and air dried for a few days, but my poor iphone has just not been the same since the little incident. Hopefully my loving husband will see this as a sign to buy me (the hardworking, dedicated, mother of his children) a new phone :) Nothing wrong with a little wishful thinking after the week I've had!
This little 'nugget' in my tummy has also decided to get in trouble with momma already by giving me contractions a wee bit too early! There is an upside to that for me though- now I need to cut back and relax for these last 10 weeks! I'm just not sure how to handle that kind of pressure. Do I lounge at the beach every day? Do I go visit Mike at work and lay by the pool? Buy a hammock to put out front because the baby needs it? There are certainly too many decisions to be made.... at least before I've taken a nap :) My goal is to transform this large pasty snowball into a nice bronze globe.  For now I've cut childcare down to four days a week and probably continue to lighten that load over the next 4 weeks until I'm on my self-employed and self-approved maternity leave! Not that I'm anxious to take a break from a house full of toddlers that pee all over my living room, punch my 1 and 1/2 year old son in the face, and look me straight in the eyes and tell me they are not going to be good today.... I just think a small time-out for the sake of everyone involved would be good before this pregnant lady goes Mom-zilla! So, my personal count down has begun and here's hoping I make it to my Rest and Relaxation with as few 'incidents' as possible.

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